

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Trump or Hillary. It is an easy choice. Trump for dozens of reasons.

1.       Obama and Hillary have been the most anti- Israel duo in US history.,

2.       They are both pro radical Islamic jihadists. Militant islam wants her to win.
says we should fight Islamic terror with more “love and Kindness”
refuses to see any connection between islam and 99.9% of terror conducted by Muslims
She is FOR catastrophic Iran deal. Trump says worst deal ever.
3.       She is most corrupt person ever to run for Potus
4.       She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to record poverty. wants to double down on Obama’s catastrophic presidency Obama worst POTUS ever.
5.       She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to doubling our national debt.
6.       She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to strangulation of business and record number of people quit looking for work.
7.       She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to lowest growth of economy for 8 straight years
9.      Her email scandal is treason, our top top secrets hacked by Russia, china, North Korea

10.  Her criminal phony foundation has taken $2 billion, mostly from Islamic jihadi nations, and used 10% on charity vs Trump continuing acts of kindness 5Phony foundation is criminal. Takes $2 billion from mostly from jihadist Islamic states seeking favors while she is Secr and spends on lavish lifestyle

13.   Trump has long history pro- Israel, has top pro -advisors will reduce business strangling regulations, lower corporate taxes, keep out isis terrorist from infiltrating, protect the First amendment threatened by Clinton, keep out illegals,
15.   She wants to destroy the coal industry Stated she wants to put coal and fracking out of business, make us more dependent on foreign oil
16.   She wants no border controls
17.   Her economic plans destroy business, jobs, strangle the economy
21.  Out-of-control anger Is hated by her Secret Service detail for out of control anger issues.
     a. Justified Hamas shooting 10,000 rockets at random targets in Israel.
     b. On whose watch 4 Arab countries fell apart to terrorists.
     c. Began Russian reset appeasing advancing Russia
d.     Began Iran deal negotiations of which she approves. They admit they lied to sell it
23.  Immoral. She laughed about getting child rapist off for technicality as defense attorney.
24. Flip flops so much we have no idea what she actually will do


The charge Trump has no specifics is BS. He has broad vision, has appointed Sen. Jeff Sessions
to head his foreign policy advisors, Larry Kudlow loves his tax plan, he says he will balance budget with the penny plan, has detailed medical policy on his page.
Why Trump could be a GREAT President.It is a gamble. And i think he is WRONG on trade but....

1. Will close the borders and deport illegal felons that Obama opened
2. Will slow Muslim immigration which endangers us that Obama did. It is the law
3. Will destroy Isis that Obama pretends to fight
4. Will improve balance of trade
5. Will cut business killing regulations that Obama instituted
7. Will support our allies that Obama repudiated
8. Will end Obamacare
9. Will end “sanctuary cities” harboring illegal immigrant felons that Obama encouraged
10. Will rebuild our military Obama gutted
11. Will improve care for our Vets Obama ignored
12. Will stop IRS and EPA abusing citizens Obama did
13. Will reform welfare that led to our record poverty under Obama
14. He won’t be Hillary: corrupt, pathological liar, scandal after scandal, sold out nation for profit, aided Islamic terror,
15. Will keep Gitmo open and add "lots of really bad guys"
16. Will scare world leaders of enemies to cooperating, as Reagan did.
17. Close to Israel PM Netanyahu
18. Breitbart gives 5 more reasons
19. Will balance budget with "penny plan"
20. Names Sen. Jeff Sessions to form foreign policy adviser team
21. He will scrap economy destroying phony climate change agreement He's called climate change a "hoax" and now Donald J. Trump says he'll scrap the Paris agreement altogether

If he does this, he will be a GREAT President. 
Obama worst president ever 
Obama is a radical Islamic jihadist

Paul Muffoletto Top Ten Reasons for Supporting Donald Trump:

1. Donald Trump is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
2. Donald Trump knows how to negotiate. No one builds an international business empire the size of Mr. Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
3. Donald Trump is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.
4. Donald Trump is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. Donald Trump is decisive. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. Donald Trump is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. Donald Trump listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. Donald Trump understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
9. Donald Trump has actually read the Bill of Rights, and is willing to defend its provisions. He is not afraid to speak about Christian persecution, and protecting gun rights.
10. Donald Trump loves this country – and says so. He wants to make America great again –and he will!

5 Reasons Why Trump Would be a Better President than You Thought

Would President Trump be that bad?

The establishment would have you thinking that.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
 repeated the same platitudes and half-truths several times following his embarrassing performance on Super Tuesday—Trump is a racist, Trump is not a conservative, Trump isn’t electable, etc. The reaction? Everyone laughed.
Nothing changed at the Thursday night debate. Many of the attacks leveled at Trump seemed to be made up by a junior high school focus group. Those that actually had substance—and there were a few great barbs by both the candidates and the moderators—questioned not only Trump’s honesty and integrity, but also his “conservative credentials.”
Trump, the establishment says (along with the anti-Trump crowd), is all image and no substance, a “reality TV star” who doesn’t understand the Constitution or American government. His “debate” performance seemed to solidify this critique. After all, Trump does not give concrete answers to policy questions and maybe spends too much time on the size of his hands.
But let us consider five reasons why the establishment and the anti-Trump crowd may be wrong about a President Trump:
1.) “I’ll look into it”: A President Trump who will “look into” a particular situation is not the same as a president who will unconstitutionally legislate from the Oval Office. We have seen that Trump has good advisors, particularly 
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
 of Alabama, a man whom no one would confuse with a weak-kneed liberal. Sessions has been the most vocal opponent of illegal immigration in the Senate. Does anyone think that his influence would lead to a Gang of Eight scenario and compromise from President Trump? “Looking into it” might produce a push for even more stringent immigration policies from Congress. If Trump says he will support it, Congress would be foolish not to act.

2.) Trump won’t start WWIII: Among the remaining candidates (including the Democrats), Trump has been the most vocal opponent of military adventurism. He has suggested he will take the fight to ISIS, but Trump has been insistent in his belief that the Iraq war was a mistake, that American blood has been shed in a misguided attempt to restructure the Middle East, and that a real conservative American foreign policy would place American interests first, ahead of those of foreign nations. Trump’s foreign policy would be closest to the founding generation’s desire for peaceful neutrality. As a businessman, Trump understands that peace produces prosperity, both for the American federal republic and the people who reside here.
3.) We may get Judge Napolitano: No, not Janet Napolitano, but Judge Andrew Napolitano for the Supreme Court. Critics have charged that Trump would likely appoint a rabid leftist for the bench, perhaps his sister, but in a recent interview, Trump advisor Roger Stone hinted that Andrew Napolitano might be Trump’s first choice to take Antonin Scalia’s seat on the bench. It would make sense. Napolitano has a high profile in the media and is rock solid on civil liberties. And though he appears regularly on Fox News, he is not an establishment favorite, nor would he be an establishment choice. It would be as unconventional as a Trump presidency. That is good for America. Who needs another Harvard lawyer on the Supreme Court bench? We have a clear example of how a Harvard Law grad has screwed up America. He currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Hillary Clinton thought he would make a good Supreme Court justice.
4.) Trump brings back the Reagan coalition: It wasn’t that long ago that people used to salivate over the 1980s Reagan coalition of blue-collar Democrats and white-collar Republicans. Trump has that kind of appeal. This is why his message resonates across the political spectrum and why many Americans are supporting him. If the Republican Party is serious about a “big tent” philosophy, Trump is their guy. Most conservatives vote Republican because they lack real alternatives. It is better, they think, to hold their nose and pull the lever for Mitt Romney than vote for Barack Obama. This hasn’t worked, and American knows it. Trump represents real America, what Glenn Beck recently derided as the “bubba effect,” and real America is ready to kick the establishment to the curb. They want jobs, security, and someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to the cultural Marxism of the establishment, both Left and Right. Reagan would agree. He nailed the “bubba” vote as well. That worked out ok.
5.) Trump cleans up corruption: Trump has made clear that he intends to prosecute Hillary Clinton if elected president. That is a good start, and candidate Hillary doesn’t stand a chance against the verbal onslaught Trump would bring to a Trump v. Clinton campaign. She has never encountered someone like Trump as a candidate. He is not awe struck by the Clinton machine. But more than that, Trump prides himself on efficiency. Grover Cleveland, the last good Democrat elected to the executive office, rode a wave of anti-corruption into the executive mansion and proceeded to remove as much of the cancer from Washington as possible. It would not be hard to image a similar great purge of establishment corruption from D.C. should Trump be elected. It would be like shining lights on cockroaches. Clinton would be the first target, but other vestiges of Washington corruption would be getting a Trump scrubbing. Who wouldn’t want that?
At the end of the day, Americans should ask, “Do we want a chief legislator, a dictator in chief who already has an agenda and like Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama etc., will force Congress into submission?” We have already seen how that screwed up America. Think the New Deal, Fair Deal, and the Great Society. Making America great again will take a different kind of leadership, one in which “I’ll look into it” is preferable to “I’ll act even if it’s unconstitutional.”

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Speakers for Republican convention just announced. :-)

Speakers for Republican convention just announced. J
1. Keynote: Jaunita brodrick: How Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary led the campaign to abuse me.
2. Keynote; families of Benghazi dead: How Hillary lied to our faces
3. FBI Director: The 12 felonies Hillary committed with her email . And Marcel Lazar Lehel, Romanian hacker “how easily I hacked Hillary’s emails and got USA top secrets off it”

 4. Woman raped. Hillary got rapist off and laughed about. her testimony…/exclusive-hillary-clinton-to…
5. Main entertainment showing of…/clinton-cash-movie-hillary-clinton-peter…/
6. Speaker: Amb. Bolton: how the world fell apart on Hillary's watch
7. Bernie Sanders on Hillary is unqualified to be POTUS
8. Jerry Zeifman Why I fired Hillary from Senate Committee Staff: "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."
9. Her Secret Service detail: why we hate her. Her anger is out of control.
10. Huma: Even though I’m Muslim Brotherhood, we still had 20 year affair. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
11. Trump’s ex wives: why he is the greatest guy.
12. Allen West, Hermain Cain, Dr Ben Carson, Mia Love, Justice Thomas: Why Blacks should vote the Donald

Music from Beatles White Album "Happiness is a warm gun"

Every important decision Hillary has ever made has been a disaster, corrupt, dangerous, lying, and points to psychosis.

Every important decision Hillary has ever made has been a disaster, corrupt, dangerous, lying, and points to psychosis.
1. As First Lady, led campaign of abuse of women her husband raped and abused
2. As Secre. Of State, took hundreds of $MILLIONS in BRIBES from Islamic jihadi nations for her criminal phony foundation from nations with business before USA. TREASON. That is why Islamic terrorists want her to win.
.3. As Secr. Of State, she IGNORED 600 requests for more security at Benghazi, let 4 Americans die, and then LIED to families and USA about the cause, to cover for Obama
4. As Secre. Of State, she allowed our adversaries and enemies to hack our top top secrets from her illegal private server. TREASON.
5. Do you know anyone else who have had 90+ acquaintances who posed a threat to you or your spouse DIE under mysterious circumstances?
6. She is most corrupt person ever to run for Potus
7. Pathological liar
8. The only non-government job she ever had she got a rapist off as a defense attorney and laughed about it.
9. His first government job as staff for Watergate committee she got FIRED for unethical behavior.
10. As Secr of State, she laid groundwork for catestrophic, Iran deal
11. Russian rest button to Russia president gave Russia green light to expand wildly
12. Her top aid, Huma, is from Muslim brotherhood terrorist family
13. Says we should fight isis with love and kindness. As Secr. Of state, architect of policies that birthed ISIS
14. says we should have no wall to keep illegal aliens out
15. Justified Hams terrorists shooting 10,000 missiles at Israel from schools and hospitals saying the space there is small
16. Wants to import 100,000 unvettable Syrian RAPEFUGEES
17. Wants to destroy the coal and fracking industry, wiping out tens of thousands of jobs and making us more dependent on Arab oil
18. Even though surrounded by armed guards, hypocritically wants to confiscate all guns, leaving vulnerable women defenseless against criminals
19. She’s doubling down on worst ever presidency of Obama policies, who gave us record POVERTY, Doubling all previous DEBT, first ever Potus with no growth above 3%, record # uit looking for jobs
20. Biggest flip flopper ever. Will say anything to get elected.

VS Trump’s solid and excellent ideas and record of billionaire business success

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Zionist quiz? Which candidate

Zionist quiz? Which candidate
1.       Was Grand marshal of Israel parade in NYC?  DT
2.       Publicly supported Bibi? DT
3.       Appointed top pro Israel advisors to head his Israel advisory committee DT
4.       Never screamed at Bibi about building apartments in Jerusalem DT
5.       Publicly stated Israel should build in Judea and Samaria DT
6.       Wants to stop Islamic immigration to USA until we can sort out and vet properly who is pro terrorism DT
7.       Was secr of State when Arab countries disintegrated to terrorism strongholds? HC
8.       Took millions in bribes for her phony foundation from terrorist nations HC
9.       Has long history of anti-Israel statements and policies HC
10.   Released emails she tried to suppress show vicious anti Israel emails from top advisors HC
11.   Top aid is Muslim from family full of terrorists HC
12.   Justified Hamas missiles saying Gaza is small so they have to shoot from hospitals and schools HC
13.   Called Judea west bank occupied in her book HC
14.   Supports obama’s catastrophic Iran deal HC
15.   Says obama’s catastrophic Iran deal worst deal ever? DT


Friday, May 6, 2016

Trump's great israel advisors

1. If Donald Trump wins the White House, he’ll probably be the first U.S. president whose top adviser on Israel used to do guard duty at a Jewish community in Judea and Samaria armed with an M-16 assault rifle
The adviser, Jason Dov Greenblatt, currently works for Trump as a real estate attorney. Trump identified Greenblatt last week as one of two Jewish lawyers who would be his top Israel advisers; the other is bankruptcy expert David M. Friedman of the Kasowitz law firm

2. Judea and samaria
Hillary calls Bibi and screams at him for authorizing apartments in East Jerusalem. vs Trump, who wants more building in Judea and Samaria. Zionists. choice is clear.
Hillary supports Iran deal. Trump calls it worst deal ever.


3. Trump endorsed Bibi in last election
4. Trump was Grand Marshall israel parade
5. Trump's grandson just had Orthodox bris.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why is Trump leading Hillary in latest poll?

Why is Trump leading Hillary in latest poll? A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 41% support to Clinton’s 39%
Simple. QUIZ. Identify this person. She
Who failed DC bar exam and never passed it? Fired from Whitewater committee for unethical behavior? Set up phony fondation (10% only goes to charity) funded by bribes from terrorist nations? allows top secret personal emails to be hacked by our enemies when she is top diplomat in country? lies constantly? allowed Americans to be massacred by Islamic terrorist thugs and did nothing and then lied about it? led campaign to abuse women her husband abused? Justified Hamas shooting 10,000 rockets at random targets in israel? Is hated by her Secret Service detail for out of control anger issues? On whose watch 4 Arab countries fell apart to terrorists? On whose watch, Iran got $150 billion to finance more terror and a path to nuclear arms? Mentored by radical Saul Alinsky, as was Obama? Says we should fight Islamic terror with more “love and Kindness”
Has over 80 close associates who have died under mysterious circumstances as it became clear they endangered Clintons in some way? Her supporters must be delusional, mentally unstable, stupid, or so kool-aid drinking libs that they can't think straight.
1.       Failed DC Bar
2.       Fired from Watergate committee for unethical behavior
3.       Scandal after scandal along the way
4.       Secr. of state
6.    JUSTIFIES Hamas shooting 10,000 rockets at random targets inside Israel

Sunday, May 1, 2016

How Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton

How Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton

Absent an alien invasion, the zombie apocalypse or the sudden re-annexation of California by Mexico, Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president. It’s time to move on to the real question: Can he beat Hillary Clinton?
You’re darn right he can.
This runs contrary to conventional wisdom, of course. Then again, conventional wisdom also said (a) that he wouldn’t run, (b) that establishment candidates like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rick Perry would crush him in the primaries and (c) that the Republican electorate would never accept a social liberal who donates lavishly across the political spectrum and doesn’t seem terribly interested in any ideology other than “America First.”

What’s more, Trump’s foes on both sides of the aisle note that the Democrats current structural advantage in the Electoral College, where they walk in the door with big states like California (55 votes), New York (29) and Illinois (20) already in the bag, make it almost impossible for the GOP candidate to get to the magic number of 270.
They gleefully point to surveys showing that either Ted Cruz or John Kasich — the winner of exactly one primary — would fare better hypothetically against Clinton in the general election. Indeed, 90 percent of “top operatives” in battleground swing states recently assured Politico that Clinton will clobber Trump.
Polls, however, can change. Already, one survey has Trump within 3 points, and a recent Rasmussen poll showed Clinton and Trump tied at 38 percent apiece. Trump has already picked up 5 points on Clinton in just the past month. And while it’s true that Trump currently has high negatives among voters (62 percent), so does Hillary (56 percent).
Further, the media has consistently underestimated Trump’s genuine appeal to the white working class, which is tired of being the one group in America it’s OK to scorn.
What doesn’t take Trump down only makes him stronger and more popular. Every rival who’s rushed him headlong has been eliminated.
Does anyone think that, in the debates, Hillary will be able to withstand the blunt-force trauma the braggadocious billionaire deployed to knock Jeb and his other rivals out of the race?
Trump won’t hesitate to hammer her, and everything from Monica Lewinsky and Bubba’s “bimbo eruptions” to Whitewater, to Benghazi will be on the table. He’ll also saddle her with the miserable Obama economy — seven straight years of anemic growth below 3 percent, the coal industry collapsing, a record number of able-bodied men and women out of the workforce. Millions will cheer.
In the last few primaries, Trump outperformed his poll numbers by 6 percent (New York) to 12 percent (Pennsylvania). Which indicates that — surprise — folks sometimes lie to pollsters even as they secretly admire Trump’s freewheeling positions on such hot-button issues as illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism and the Obama administration’s diplomatic ineptitude.
Finally, there’s this: What doesn’t take Trump down only makes him stronger and more popular. Every rival who’s rushed him headlong has been eliminated. Every time he says something that’s the “last straw,” his numbers jump.
In the end, of course, it will come down to turnout. Can Trump pick up enough disaffected Democrats in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio to offset the Democrats’ advantage among minorities and force them to play defense in states they normally take for granted?
Not since the bitter Adams-Jefferson election of 1800 will the nation have seen such a no-holds-barred, down-and-dirty slugfest. But after 16 years of misguided Bush interventionism and pallid Obama apathy, the momentum is on Trump’s side.