

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Obama and Dems Israel haters, now Biden too

Biden’s dangerously anti-ISRAEL views. While better than Obama, AND CARTER, HE IS STILL still a huge CONCERN.
1.       Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous Iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2.       While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3.       Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants a unified platform. How do you unify platform with anti-Semite Bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4.       Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5.       Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6.       Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7.       Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim goups
8.       Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9.       Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administration's says they do not.
10.   Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11. 11. Biden supported Obama’s UNSC resolution declaring much of Jerusalem ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED, including the Western Wall!!
12.   VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.

    Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against the resumption of the program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has its back
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and the first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...

1. spent millions of our tax dollars in Israel to try and defeat Bibi. Failed
2. Called Bibi "chickensh.t".
3. Demanded Israel go back to "Auschwitz Lines" of 1947. Failed
4. Most anti-Semitic Act in the world in 2016 (according to Wiesenthal nazi
hunting Organization) with his out-the-door abstention which labelled much of
5. State Dept called Judea and Samaria "occupied"
6. Failed to deliver on promise to recognize Jerusalem as capital
7. Told Iran US would defend Iran if Israel attacked!
8. Created genocidal Iran deal which never got ratified by Senate and iran
never signed
supported by almost all Dems in Congress.. Obama’s Iran deal $150 billion to nation building ICBM’s with Hebrew lettering that says ‘death to Israel”
9. gave hundreds of millions to Palestinians, which they used to fund murderers of Jews
11. Locked Israel into 10 year aid
agreement that precludes congress from increasing it.…/us-israeli-aid-package-is-both-his…
13. Long history of pro Palestinian/anti israel goes back decades, including his dinner 20 years ago with rashid Khalid and Edward Said., both vicious israel haters.
DEMOCRATS in general
14. Huge segments of Dems now decidedly anti Israel.…/republicans-are-now…
15. 2012 Democratic convention, floor BOOS Jerusalem.
16. Congressman Keith Ellison, anti-Semite, Israel hater and Nation of Islam devotee, VP chair of the Democratic party!!!
17. Top Dems support Blacklivesmatter which is deeply tied to Muslim terrorist groups.
18. “In 2008 despite all the warnings, despite the fact that Barack Obama sat in a church hearing anti-Semitic sermons for two decades, despite the fact that he was close friends with Palestinian Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi. Even before the election the Jewish community knew that at a 2003 event honoring Khalidi, Obama had made a toast that was so anti-Israel that the liberal L.A. Times hid the tape. Before the 2008 election Obama had already surrounded himself with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel advisers. At the very beginning of his administration Obama told the supposed Jewish leadership that one of his goals was to drive a wedge between the US and Israel.
Then after eight years of a president of the United States did his best to delegitimize the Jewish State, ignored previous US/Israel deals, publicly berated Israel at every opportunity, leaving Israel’s Premier to sit and stew with the Israeli delegation in a White House conference room for an hour because they wouldn’t capitulate to the President’s demands, and even blaming Israel and American Jews for pushing the U.S. into the Iraq war while he was trying to sell-in the disastrous Iran Deal and sent some of his political advisers to Israel along with State Department money, all in an attempt to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel’s most recent election, the Democrats nominated to replace him with Hillary Clinton the woman who was Obama’s partner in screwing Israel during his first administration. Despite the fact that Hillary has made a career of being anti-Israel, and surrounded herself with anti-Semites.
19. Bernie blames israel for defending itself against 40,000 Gazan monsters trying to break through border to kill Jews.
20. Newest hot prospect dem, Alexandris Cortez, says Israel is occupying Palestinian land. When asked to explain, says she's no "expert on geo politcs>'
21. 7 members Congr. Black caucus openly link to Farrakhan and when asked about it, call you a racist for challenging them.
22. Linda Sarsopur, Muslim terrorist supporter, feratured speaker at many liberal events.
23. Obama's IRS harassed pro israel groups seeking 501c3 status.

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