

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Have you read the statement from the 109 foreign policy leaders condemning Trump? My response

Have you read the statement from the 109 foreign policy leaders condemning Trump?…/open-letter-on-donald-trump-fro…/
Several points of refutation
1. Trump will win. These guys give ammunition to the worst, most corrupt and foolish foreign policy person Hillary. On her watch the world fell apart and our enemies are emboldened. They should be advising him, not attacking him. She did russian reset. She lied about Libya. On her watch Libya, Yemen, iraq, Syria fell apart. chinba is expanding. isis has been undiminished. She takes millions from the world's worst actors. she agrees with Obama' iran deal.
2. They are wrong about Muslims. He is right. Syrian rapefugees are unvettable, accordng to the FBI. . 25% of those here admit to supporting jihad. Until we can figure it out, none should come in. These 109 claim he will hurt us with our arab allies.That is a jeb Bush talking point. Nonsense. None of the 65 Muslim nations will take any Syrian rapefugees either. Do we need to be more Muslim than them?
3. They are wrong about the Mexican wall. Our establishment did NOTHING to build it, and stop the flow of illegals. These 109 endanger us.
4. Trump changed his mind about ordering illegal orders so their point is moot but he is right about needing torture as a tool. Israel knows you need to go after the family of the terrorists.
5. They IGNORE Obama's gutting our military and Trump pledges to rebuild it.
6. Why should rich countries get free military coverage from us and not pay? These 109 are selling out America.
7. They minimize the achievement of building $10 billion in wealth. What makes them think the other candidates are better?
These 109 are serious folks who served our country well but are part of the same establishment that gave us this disaster we have now. The world is a much worse place today than in 2008. In 2008, No Russia in Ukraine or Crimea, No ISIS, No Syrian war. All things that exist today. Their policies, ideas, and efforts have failed us in the field for decades. Goes to show there is not a dime’s worth of difference between establishment Republicans and the current administration. No wonder people are fed up. These are the same geniuses that gave us one foreign policy strategic disaster after another. The wreckage that the advice and policies of the above have produced for our nation, for our economy, for our military is clear. Many are the true non-achieving Ivory Tower types who are always unsuccessful in the real world, but possible successful book writers,

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